Show us what you've created! Be featured in the
West Ridge Artists CoVid Creations Online Gallery!
We’ve all been home alot more than usual - through the lock down, and even now with many places still closed and events moved from in-person to virtual. WRCO wants to showcase what you and/or your children have created during this historic time. We welcome all creations (visual, performing, literary) from West Ridge residents, regardless of your experience or training - from amateurs to professionals to those who are just exploring something new!
Submission is simple - email us one of the following:
a photo of your visual work (painting, sculpture, drawing, photograph, etc.
written piece (poem, short story, etc.)
for music and videos: submit your audio or video file via a file sharing service like Dropbox, Google Drive, Icloud, etc. Do not attach file to your submission. Include the URL link to your file instead.
You can include a short description of your work with your name, or remain anonymous, if preferred.
Work will be featured in the Covid Creations Online Gallery on the West Ridge Artists website and in WRA/WRCO social media posts.
Participants are required to sign and submit a permission form which allows us to publicly display your work. Parents and guardians - if you are submitting a piece created by your child, you are required to submit the parental consent form. You retain all rights to your work.
Deadline is October 15, 2020.
For questions, email us at
View these details on the West Ridge Artists website